I have big plans for the Under Cloud, but I’ll be needing a cofounder / copilot / co-conspirator to get there. Question is, do you want to join me?
Dreams are best shared

I have big plans for the Under Cloud, but I’ll be needing a cofounder / copilot / co-conspirator to get there. Question is, do you want to join me?
Anyone working on large projects, or doing complex research (like a journalist, a student, or a scientist) knows that bookmarks have their limitations.
Look, I’m no scientist, but I’ve known a few! Each of us has a super power, and it comes into force somewhere between the hearing and the listening, and unlike some, I choose to listen to the scientists… While reading Eric Jorgenson’s collation of articles on customer development, he asked: “Where are all the write-ups […]
In the last 48 month, I’ve written over 330k words, and read almost 4.7m words, using the Under Cloud.
Opinion is not a requirement of belief, and that’s what makes it such an amazing, flawed, powerful, and fragile thing.
Yes, this is a bold claim, but it helps to aim high and to cultivate some self belief in what we do. So if it’s not the ultimate now, the goal is to — paraphrase the great Captain Jean-Luc Picard — make it so!
I get asked to explain the Under Cloud a lot, and it’s something I look forward to, because it’s a chance to hone the explanation, such as: Connecting the things we learn to the things we create. Or: The ultimate research assistant. But then a graphic — or in this case, a Venn diagram — […]
The point is, the Under Cloud is not a good idea, nor an excellent idea — no, it’s a required idea, given its potential.